Living for His kingdom,His glory and power.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

CF christmas party 2006! Hot post!

Hmm. I've decided to post about my very own SMKDJCF christmas party.  
Charis Yang's house. The party was a big bang, I met many 'old' faces.
Like Jamie Khoo, who was the ex ex ex president. And also Khoo Sien Liang,
who i think the oldest among all the cfers. He is the ex multiply by 7 president. 
Basically, I met all the ppl i loved. And I care much about the cf members.
Too bad, the 2 current presidents are not around during the party,
they were ethan and aaron.

This is me who is not ready for the photo shot. Taken by Twinkle.
Next to me was Charity, Charis' older sis. I was sharing something
interesting to her at that moment.

This is a photo of me wearing the santa hat. I bought this hat at
Sunway Pyramid. I got cheated actually, I bought it for rm 5
each but the lights are spoilt. I sort of too excited to buy
the hat and forgotten to check nicely. Anyway, beside me
is Mark Christian Darius aka MCD. He is my good old pal,
who taught alot of 'lameness'. He is a cool guy, who
is after God's heart and loves to play guitar.

Hehe. I don't know what to say about this photo. But these
are all the beautiful ppl who wanted to take photos so badly. Lolz.
Anyway, I'm at the bottom with the oldest guy in da houze. Sien liang.

Hehe. I know that im not 'PHOTOGENIC'. If anyone
thinks I'm good looking I'll buy u christmas presents. Next to
me is my God-bro. Real one. He is somehow my godbro for more
than a decade. But i treat him as a brother.

Hmm. I like this photo because of her. Michelle, a beautiful young
lady who loves God with all her soul and mind. She is stunning,
curious, pretty and sometimes naughty. I think i still have
some feelings for her. I still love her, the love is like on and off,
If i see her I love her, but if i dont see her i dont love her. LOL.
Maybe she could be my future bride. LOLZ!

This is colin chen. My good camera buddy. He helped me alot.
In many ways like camera. He took the photos for this post.
thanks to him anyway.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Planetshakers night rally for 2 nights

The first 2 nights of planetshakers is awesome. The first night of worship is astonishing 
because the back part of the convention is opened. Usually, the first night there is not so
many ppl but then the first night it was full of ppl. The planetshaker team played a new song named Jesus. This song was so meaningful till i really shared tears. It was a song from my heart.
I guess the first night is so great. The 2nd night was even more amazing. Pastor Paul Geerling preached a very powerful message that really impacted my heart. And there is a young man, which i forgot his name. Shared his testimony of his life, and he said that when he was younger his life is full of worry. But when he started to know christ more and more each day. His life was never the same again. His life testimony really impact my life because I was also a worry person. But now im worry free because of God and his testimony. All glory to God.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Jiuzhaigou a place like heaven on earth.

JiuZhaiGou, a valley of nine villages is a nature reserve in northern Sichuan province. I call it Heaven on Earth. The photo is portraying a moutain top with trees covered with snow. Jiuzhaigou is in a mountain range about approximately 5000m above sea level. There is snow on top of those mountains all year round. But the best time to visit is autumn. Because the brown and red leaves with the deep blue lakes are a perfect match for photographers. Let me show u and example.

I love this picture its because the red leaves and the multi coloured lake is superior in pictures. Look at our creator God, had make things so impressive in the world, what more is on Heaven?
I wanted to show u guys that God not only make us beautiful but also the world beautiful. If anyone who wanna have a vacation to this place. Make sure your going there during autumn season. Preferably on the 28th october.

Monday, December 4, 2006

Birthday 27th November.

I really wanna post about my birthday for a long long time.
Too bad i couldn't get any photos during my birthday cause
i dont have a camera neither do my friends. Oh well, on that day,
I invited my good old friends and classmate to OU for an outing.
They are, Nicole, Serene, Andrew Tan, Anthea Chua, and other.. 
I think its just a normal outing for some ppl. But then its very different for me. I know i like to interact with ppl in anyway,
but it seems that i hardly able to go out. We went and watch 
a movie called happy feet. The movie was interesting by the way.
We really had lots of fun together with my old friends..
I miss them so much. Anyway, the reason why i post this
because there is something that really touched me.
I know that I love giving, Im very sincere to give. I am sure that one day
God will ask other to bless me 100 fold. Guess what, my friends bought
expensive gifts for me. I'm really shocked for that moment, but I thanked
God for them to bless me. I really can't imagine what God had done.
But I wanna tell to all who read my blog. Be sincere
and cheerful to give. Because, in 2 Corinthians 8 it says it all.